Alteration Services by Manning Company in
Hong Kong

Manning Company stands prime among Hong Kong alteration services offering unique tailoring solutions to unused, overfit-underfit garments. Our seem experts guide and redesign your clothes that don’t fit your present body shape. Expert tailors at Manning Company restyle, repair, and redesign garments for you the way you like. They cover alteration of men’s, women’s, and children’s wardrobes of all fabrics. We pay special attention to the alteration of leather garments that requires enhanced tailoring acumen. Bringing customization and best quality garment alteration drives Manning Company for continuous evolution. Our experienced Tailors are more than willing to offer a process that reigns in the best culture among Hong Kong alteration circle
From hemming trousers to tailoring blouses, alternate your clothing to suit the body’s best features, our tailors put their best to work with any fabric with fast service and reasonable pricing. Our prompt and courteous staff will make sure the entire alternation process goes smoothly and quickly respecting your valuable time.
Alteration may not be as popular because of high affordability and the practice traditionally being limited among elites. It may come across as an intimidating experience citing the process or anxiety or fear that the tailor might spoil your favorite costume/dress that carries important memories. This beautiful costume hack, if done right, can turn an old unwearable dress into something that’s modern and aligns with current fashion trends depending on the needs of the wearer. Manning Company s offers exciting affordable alteration services that are less on your wallet. Our experts offer basic alteration services like a hem, fit adjustments to garment repairs, complex alterations, contour requiring hand stitches, and machine stitches depending on the alteration complexity. They are also experts in handling stretch and non-stretch fabrics aiming for the best construction.
We try hard to give the best turnaround time but delivery depends on the quality and complexity of alteration. Rush service will be provided in case of emergency depending on the staff availability.
What can you expect from our alteration cover?
The extent of alteration depends on the complexity of the dresses/garments and re-edits/redesign instructed by the wearer. A simple top, shirt, or suit may need the extra tail length, increased shoulder width, sleeve length, or neckline. A bottom may require a small change in helm length or trouser width and length. A more complicated alteration in the overall size of a bust of a gown or a dress may need meticulous detailing and careful execution of the wearer’s instruction. The alteration can cover all the above-mentioned redesign/re-edits. This also applies to generic off-the-rack dresses/garments for alterations for better body fit or the addition of special clothing features.
Things to watch out for in case of alternation of new clothes.
Alteration involves resewing and unsewing which may depend on the quality of the fabric and alternation complexity. Basic things you can look for if a dress can accommodate alterations.
Range of Alteration
Alterations add tremendous value to your wardrobe by keeping your clothes well-fitting and comfortable. It is also a risky maneuver that may turn into a bad ordeal for both the tailor and the wearer. It’s important to have a thorough knowledge of possible outcomes. Major alterations in a garment can change its overall shape, size, and final aesthetics. Clear and concise communication with the tailor is important to avoid significant flaws and falls.
Fabric Type
The fabric type is an important factor in accommodating alteration as stretchable fabrics are complex to work on. The quality of dress fit requires experienced workmanship. Dresses with laces and siphons will involve a series of resewing and unsewing. In some cases, it can cause damages which may cost extra for restoration or repairing of damages.
Seam Allowance
Special costumes like gowns or dresses may have relatively lesser seam allowance than usual (0.5-1.0cm). Smaller allowances may not allow enlargement or expansion of dress contour. In such cases, there is no room for any alterations except shrink or lessen the dress size or contour. It is advised to check the seam allowance when buying off-the-rack dresses or considering old clothes for alterations.
Can alteration be reversed or restored to its old form?
Alteration involves adding and removing bits of clothes with the help of stitching holes. Any attempt to restore it to its original form will reveal stitch holes making the dress aesthetically unappealing.
How does the alteration process work?
The tailoring team prepares for an initial consultation, which is scheduled based on available time and station. Following the consultation, the team creates an initial toile to make sure the dress fits perfectly and sticks to the aesthetic requirement of the customer. The crafting period ranges from 2 days to a few weeks depending on the availability and alteration complexity.
Rush alteration Services.
You may be in need of an emergency arrangement for swift alteration service. Manning Company understands this and offers some simple yet important alteration services to enhance your sartorial value. We offer the following alteration services on a rush basis.
- Alteration of Trousers (Tapering from Knee length)
Our team of tailors can make your trousers slimmer or make them more tapering to add the modern sleek contour look. Do visit our place for some swift sartorial magic. We make it fast and in a cost-effective manner.
- Alteration of Collars and Cuffs
Collars lose their color and rigidity over time. It is regarded as the most important part that holds the overall contour of the shirt. The same goes for cuffs which need a sturdy grip over the arm in the case of rolled-on sleeves. The two can be replaced with the color and palette of your choice. This small alteration can elevate the shirt to a new level.
- Pocket Add on
Pockets can stretch over time or bear marks of elongated stitch holes around their borders. Using a bad leaking pen can further add woes to your beautiful shirt. This can be fixed by replacing the old pocket with a new one, having the choice to select the color, shape, and palette of the pocket. This little upgrade can make an amazing appeal to your shirt’s visual aesthetics.